Maquina de Diatermia


Diathermy is a treatment with proven results in scientific studies. This advanced technique consists of raising the temperature of the affected tissues of the body through patches (electrodes). In this way, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, thus relieving pain caused by injuries, traumas or ailments.

Myofascial induction

Fascia is a three-dimensional connective tissue that surrounds the human body. Its treatment uses three-dimensional movements and sustained pressure throughout the fascial system to eliminate its restrictions and restore musculoskeletal function, thus relieving pain.

Paciente recibiendo tratamiento de fisioterapia
Paciente recibiendo tratamiento de fisioterapia

Tissue management in Osteopathy

Through palpation we act on the tissues and at the same time at the cellular level. We act on the main dysfunctions of the internal organs (such as the viscera) of the patient taking into account the knowledge of the pathologies that are not susceptible to osteopathic treatment. The aim of the treatment is to improve the mobility of the organs, restoring circulation and innervation, and thus activating to the maximum the body’s own self-regulatory capacity.

Postural Re-education

Global(RPG)with Streching Global Active.

Through active stretching, maintained with a traction, the body improves flexibility by an action of muscle contraction in eccentric (during stretching) and positioning in a certain position of the body’s joints.

Paciente recibiendo tratamiento de fisioterapia
Evaluacion de un paciente


Through the BOBATH concept, we focus on the physiotherapeutic treatment of the adult patient with acquired brain damage. When suffering this damage an imbalance is produced in the Nervous System which is necessary for the functioning of the body. The main objective is to minimize the physical sequelae produced by the injury, including fascial paralysis, and to improve personal autonomy.

Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is defined as the set of muscles and ligaments that close the abdominal cavity at the bottom. It works in conjunction with the thoracic diaphragm, the abdominal musculature and the deep muscles of the back.


In this specialty we treat urinary and/or fecal incontinence, vaginal prolapse, dyspareunias (pain during sexual intercourse), chronic pelvic pain, bladder hyperactivity, scars and muscular lesions after childbirth or as sequels of cancerous processes.

imagen de esqueleto humano
podologo tratando a un paciente


Specialty that takes care of the patient’s feet. Diabetic feet, calluses, ingrown nails, mycosis, papillomas in both adolescents and adults, among others.